What is a Prophecy Spiritual Gift

God has given the Church individual gifts and qualifications, which are called grace gifts (1 Cor. 12:4-11). One of these gifts is that of prophecy: a special ability to understand and interpret spiritual things, along with the ability to communicate them to others. A ...Read More

What or Who is the real God for you?

Our universe is vast and so complex that our minds often turn to the greatest minds of all time and wonder: who is God? Who is He, or what is He? In Christianity, God is the Creator and Redeemer. This means that He not ...Read More

War in the Bible: What does it say about war?

The Bible and War. From Genesis to Revelation, there are several references to God’s favor in warfare. However, the Bible also seems to condemn warfare on several occasions. Because the Bible is easily changed and misunderstood, people seeking to understand the morality of war ...Read More

Hear Him

I wrote this short story as an inspiration to help make someone’s day a little brighter. The Call It was a cold day. A strong wind was blowing from the sea, and there was not a soul around. A woman was walking along a ...Read More

Bible Books Of The New Testament

The New Testament books are the source of much of our information about the life of Jesus, and the history of the early church. The books in this list represent four of the five genres found in ancient literature: Letters, histories, gospels, and writings. ...Read More